Pastor Mike serves as Senior Pasotr of Calvary Chapel Westbrook in Bakersfield California where the average annual temperature is about 72 degrees. Born Again in 1982 and married to his beautiful wife Lee in 1983, Mike and Lee have three wonderful children. Bree-20, Brett-18, and Brandon-17 this August. If Mike isn't doing ministry you can be sure to find him at either his boys sporting events or enjoying time with Lee.

Monday, July 11, 2005

If you have read the paper this past week you could not help but notice the Supreme Court took up the issue once again regarding the 10 Commandments. Suffice it to say the debate continues to rage on. A friend of mine just returned from Washington D.C. after his first visit to our nations Capitol. He was amazed at all the debate over the so called "separation of church and state" when it is clear to all who visit any of the original monuments that our country was not just founded on a religious belief system but on biblical Christianity and specifically, the 10 Commandments.

My friend said he saw a shirt with an American Flag on it and the caption that read "Freedom Of Religion... Not Freedom From religion. I loved it...It's been said many times that faith in God is what made America great and when America ceases to place her faith and trust in God then America will cease to be great. I agree. What are your thoughts?